KRAKEN aims to enable the sharing, brokerage, and trading of potentially sensitive personal data, by returning the control of this data to citizens -data providers- throughout the entire data lifecycle. The project is based on three basic pillars, self-sovereign identity paradigm, providing a decentralized user-centric access control to personal data; a data Marketplace, allowing personal data sharing preserving privacy; and a set of analytic techniques based on advance crypto tools, in order to guarantee the data protection. Under these pillars two pilots will be developed in two different sectors:
- Health Pilot: a health and wellness data marketplace for individuals and organizations.
- Education Pilot: protecting academic and personal data by privacy-preserving cryptography.
In this way, KRAKEN (BroKeRage and MArKet platform for pErsoNal data) will standardize different IT solutions thanks to featuring the (privacy-preserving) integration of independently obtained data sources from subjects consenting to different analyses.
Atos coordinates the project providing its expertise in Blockchain technology, leading and actively participating in those tasks related to SSI and Blockchain.
The company also contributes to exploitation and communication activities as a large industrial partner.